One day in September 2021 Paul felt suddenly unwell and not at all himself, not one to take things lying down, Paul put this down to overdoing it. Unfortunately, however this was something much more serious, he suffered a stroke. A stroke is a serious life-threatening medical condition that happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off. Strokes are classed as a medical emergency and urgent treatment is essential.
The injury to the brain caused by a stroke can lead to widespread and long-lasting problems ranging from psychological, to cognitive and physical. Paul felt that the stroke impacted all aspects of his life and wanted to do anything he could to aid his rehabilitation. His Physiotherapist referred him onto the programme, which he describes as a blessing, he attended his first class delivered from Healthy and Active, East Kilbride in March 2023. Since beginning his MorphFit journey Pauls overall health has improved, in particular sessions have supported his balance and helped ease pain from a pre-existing muscle injury. With significant wait times for NHS services, he feels fortunate and grateful to have found this easily accessible programme which is so positively impacting his health.
Another aspect of the project which Paul likes, is connecting with fellow participants. Through the sessions he has met so many people and enjoys the company and conversation.
“The programme is a shining light to me; I have gained out of going there in every way. From the great set up to the effort, genuineness, commitment, and professionalism of Cara (Instructor) and the others who attend. MorphFit and Healthy and Active provide a very positive service- long may it continue!”